Hello Friends, Family & Supporters,
We hope this message finds you well and keeping safe and COVID-free during these crazy times! We have a new newsletter coming out shortly but wanted you to have this health update for Gordon so you could pray.
Gordon has had increasing pain when swallowing over the past 3 or 4 months. After multiple doctors’ visits and tests his ENT specialist confirmed that his right tonsil is enlarged, red and needs to come out and to be sent for a biopsy. The surgery for this was just confirmed in the past couple days and is set for tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov 11).
This is all in advance of our 3rd attempt (the first two were postponed) at a visit home for the East Coast portion of our scheduled Home Assignment and vacation, now scheduled from November 30 to February 3.We are asking that you would pray! Pray that the surgery would go well! Thank you in advance for praying!
Love Gordon & Anna